Sunday, September 6, 2009

You're a Bodybuilder deal with it

So I've been thinking lately about the term Bodybuilder. I know what you're thinking. A steroid monkey who possesses a warped sense of Muscle Dysmorphia. How ever if you stop to think about what the definition is.
bodybuilding n. The process of developing the musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise, such as weightlifting.
Based on this definition anyone that participates in any type of resistance training that develops the body's musculature is indeed a bodybuilder. Now before you get all spun up about this let this truth sink in for a minute. Ask yourself why you really go to the gym and sweat for an hour everyday follow the diet plan that you follow?
I'll be the first to admit that the main reason I workout is because I want to look good naked plain and simple. Now there are other reasons as well. The health and wellbeing one builds as a result of taking care of ourselves. But lets face it most of us are well past our eligible draft age for any sport we participate in and although we might still enjoy playing our sports in a weekend rec league. We have no need to be training the way elite athletes train. A good well developed strength routine will do just fine. There are people out there that are throwing around the new buzz phrase functional strength training. Unless you life revolves around the need for this type of training i.e. Law enforcement officers and military where your life depends on your ability to use your strength to protect yourself and others being able to outlast a suspect in a number of scenarios. This is just another take on bodybuilding. An example grip training. Unless I miss my guess the lid on the jar of mayonnaise is on only so tight and most of us don’t need to be able to grip with 300 pounds of force to be able to be the hero to our wives or girlfriends to open the bottle. But to maintain the control of your firearm or hold onto suspect then grip training is important. This is a pretty broad statement and of course there will be some exceptions to every rule. Once again a well thought out and planed strength building routine will bring most of us the results we want to live our lives to the fullest.
There is no shame in being a bodybuilder. We are what we are no matter what our goals are. Weather it's to look like Ron Coleman or the male model if you are using resistance training to develop your musculature you are a bodybuilder embrace it for what it is.

Both of these men are in all intent and purposes body builders. They just have different goals they want to reach.
Live on Purpose