Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why I Train

I had a conversation the other day as to why I am so obbsesed with training. It comes down to this I LOVE it. I get way to antsy if I don't hit the gym for every scheduled training session my mood is depressed my whole day suffers. One might wonder how a guy like me is able to take vacations if I'm so focused on training. Well we are going to see next month I'm taking my first vacation in 3 years for a couple of day but the great thing is it's an active vacation to the southern part of the state of Utah and Zion National Park. So I will be gymless for a couple of days but this doesn't me I wont be doing some sort of workout while I'm down there. Hiking, Biking and overall relaxation I "try" every three month to take a week off from the gym and lots of heavy lifting to let my body rest and heal and this is what my vacation is going to be all about.

Today is a very good day!
Live on Purpose

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Finding Direction

I took some time off from blogging to find some direction for not only my blog but also my life. To update you all in what I've been up to lately.
I purchesed a new workout program back in October called the Adonis Index. I love this workout and the stie that the Guys run. The workout really works and I've built my body to a degree I didn't think possible. To kick off the workout they put together a contest for 10 weeks called the reformation contest with the overall winner walking away with $1000.00. Yours truly won the overall.
This has lead to a great deal of thinking on my part if I can go from 210 lbs and a 36" waist and a shoulder mesurement of 50" to 195lbs 34" waist and 51.5" shoulders. What else can I do in a short 10 weeks...? The answer is anything I set my mind to!
So the blog is going to move in a new direction about living my life on purpose and doing the things I'm passionate about. Training and physical development will be a part of what I will still be blogging about along with more "inner game" type stuff.

Live on Purpose