I feel that the fastest most efficient way to reaching your goals and then maintaining them is in your head. It's a mind set. If your only motivation is an outside stimulus (A beach vacation or a class reunion) once you reach that goal and attend that funtcion there is nothing for us to hold on to. It's a slippery slope back into our "fat person" habits, case in point YO-YO dieters. Have you ever wondered why so many of the contestants of the Biggest Looser show put the weight back on? It's easy to loose weight when your out of your reality and having someone else make your food choices for you and telling you to push out one more set during your workout. But what happens when you get home back to your reality? If you have a "fat Person" mindset you will undoubtedly slip back into your old habits of missed workouts intending at first to make them up later, poor food choices. The list could go on and on.
So how does one make lasting change then? You have to change from the inside out. You have to adopt a new mindset a fitness mind set. It's not about doing it for your kids, your spouse or the person your dating. It has to be about YOU!
I speak from personal experience. I was there I sacrificed and put everyone before me for a very long time. I was extremely unhappy with my life. I was overweight depressed and pre diabetic I made unhealthily food choices and I hid behind my others first mindset. I have beautiful children that I will do anything for including being around in this life for a very long time God willing.
It wasn't until my life got turned upside down that I finally figured out that in order to take care of the people I love I need to take care of myself first. You can not give to others what you do not have. So what does all this have to do with adopting a new mindset? long lasting permanent change comes from the inside out. You have to be a fit person on the inside before you can be a fit person on the outside for the rest of your life. You might not look it at first I didn't. But inside in my mind I was. It surprised me at first when I'd step on the scale and see the number at 230 pounds because inside I had changed I saw myself as a fit person that weighed 190 pounds. I still do I'm almost there.
So how do you change your mindset? Start by controlling what you think about. When you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern you must stop and tell yourself that you are no longer that person and replace those thoughts with new more productive ones. surround yourself with positive upbeat fit people. Studies have be done where you can predict the income of a person by looking at the income of the people they spend the most time with outside of work. I'll wager you can do the same thing with a persons health and fitness levels. Next time your out doing some shopping take a few minutes and do some people watching and see for yourself. I'm not saying you need to ditch your friends if they aren't uber fit individuals just that you might need to increase your circle of friends. Join a health and fitness forum like http://bodyweightculture.com/ you will be able to exchange ideas and offer support to others. It's also a great way to hold yourself accountable for your workouts too. Most forums of this nature have a thread where you can post your workouts for other members to follow and offer support. You can also find a mentor or hire a personal development coach to help you make the mindset changes you need. Most importantly though is to stay positive and trust the process you will reach your goals when you adopt the right mindset.
Live on Purpose
Good points Ron. I especially like the part about thinking like a 190 lb person when you weigh 230lb. As long as you're making the choices the 190 lb person makes, you will become that person. The 230 lb person was made from the poor decisions made in the past, all we can work on is the present and future.
Thank you for the kind words Brad